2024: prospective analysis

5 min readJan 2, 2024


It’s January 2nd here in the heart of the city centre in Liverpool. The love of my life has a cold, and I just made a warm saltwater honey mix for her to ease the cold and cough. I just finished reading various end-of-year reviews, and because I have a ‘strong head’ and don’t like to copy, I did this.

ha ha ha

As I stand on the cusp of 2024, a wave of anticipation and excitement washes over me, carrying the promise of new beginnings and uncharted adventures. The canvas of this year is still blank for me, and I am ready to paint it with the vibrant strokes of my aspirations and ambitions.

But first, I find myself yearning for deeper connections and more meaningful interactions with the people who matter most in my life. Whether it’s family, friends, or even forging new connections, I am committed to investing resources, time, empathy, and understanding. The hustle and bustle of daily life often obscure the beauty of relationships, but in 2024, my focus is crystal clear—to cultivate bonds that grow with time.

If you ask people I consider friends, ‘What do you think about Goke?’ The answers you get will be different because I rarely talk or open up to people. I was admitted to Command Secondary School Ibadan (CSSI) Apata at the age of 7 in 2001, and the defensive mechanisms I developed then have shaped my social life in ways I wish they hadn’t. A common theme that has been recurrent all my life is my inability to manage relationships. I am going to turn 30 later this year, and I don’t want to repeat mistakes that have led me to think I can do anything alone.

So in the spirit of John Lennon, I choose to count my age with friends, not years. I aspire to be more present, to listen with intent, and to celebrate the uniqueness of each relationship, recognising that it is these connections that add profound richness to the fabric of my life.

So I sincerely apologise to everyone I’ve ghosted in the past. I promise to be better.

Next, my professional journey beckons with exciting possibilities. I moved to a new city in the fourth quarter of 2023, and like a child going to school in new clothes, I’m gassed for the opportunities and possibilities. Armed with new skills and experiences, I’m gearing up to take on projects that not only showcase my abilities but also push me beyond my comfort zone. I will be documenting this journey regularly.

“Do, or do not. There is no try.”

With Yoda’s words as my guide, I am resolute in my pursuit of excellence, where each data point becomes a stepping stone towards professional growth and the realisation of my analytics ambitions. May the insights be with me as I embark on this exciting chapter of my data-driven saga.

Next, I am determined to reevaluate my financial habits. This year is not just about crunching numbers; it’s a narrative of fiscal responsibility and strategic planning. In the spirit of Jay-Z, who once said, “…I’m a business, man,…" I plan to make shrewd decisions and steer the course towards prosperity. Armed with lessons from the past, I am prepared to budget diligently, invest wisely, and save conscientiously while seeking Alpha.

As I commit to financial literacy and responsible money management, 2024 has to be the pivotal chapter where I reclaim control over my financial narrative, turning aspirations into fiscal accomplishments.

In all my aspirations for the coming year, one radiant thread takes centre stage—an unwavering commitment to loving my woman loudly and ensuring her happiness becomes the melody of our shared journey.

In the words of Maya Angelou, “Love recognises no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope,” I need our space to be a sanctuary of love and I want to break down any emotional barriers.

This year is not merely a calendar change; it’s a symphony of affection, where every note is dedicated to making her smile and every gesture is a testament to the depth of my love. I aim to be the poet of her heart, crafting verses of appreciation and admiration in everyday moments. Just as a garden thrives with nurturing, I am committed to tending to the seeds of our relationship, ensuring it blossoms into a tapestry of shared dreams and unwavering support. This year, my mission is to be the architect of the kind of love where each day is an opportunity to celebrate the extraordinary woman she is and to create a love story that resonates with the echoes of happiness.

Finally, and most importantly, my heart echoes with a profound yearning to draw nearer to God. The past year has been a journey, marked by highs and lows, and amid it all, I came to recognise the importance of forging a deeper connection with my creator. There is an ineffable desire within me, an earnest longing to cultivate a more profound spiritual intimacy that transcends the mundane aspects of daily existence. In the quiet moments of reflection, I find myself contemplating the significance of this pursuit, understanding that being closer to God is not merely a resolution but an essential quest for the soul. It is an endeavour that promises solace in times of tribulation, wisdom in moments of confusion, and a compass to navigate the intricate passages of life. This yearning is more than a fleeting aspiration; it is the cornerstone upon which I hope to build all other ambitions.

In summary, my dreams cover a lot of ground. At work, I want to do big things in data analytics. On a personal level, I’m focusing on relationships and taking advice. Money matters too, so I’m following Ray Dialo’s lead. Love will be a big part of my story. And on a spiritual note, I’m looking to get better at the service of God. This year will be more than days passing by; it’s going to be a tale where my dreams turn into real moments and hurdles into stepping stones, creating a beautiful story of 2024.

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson




At the intersection of Payments, Data Science, Finance, Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, Arts, and Business.