Harnessing Price Relationships: Statistical Arbitrage Strategies with Delta Neutral Positions in DeFi

10 min readMay 25, 2023


The diagram shows a trader who has bought 100 shares of stock XYZ at $50 per share. The trader has also sold 10 call options on XYZ with a strike price of $50 and an expiration date of one month. The delta of the call option is 0.65, which means that for every $1 increase in the price of XYZ, the value of the call option will increase by $0.65.
Delta Hedging Example by Louis on Trade Options with me


Delta-neutral strategies are a type of statistical arbitrage strategy that seeks to eliminate market risk by hedging the portfolio with derivatives. This means that the portfolio will not be affected by changes in the underlying asset prices. Delta-neutral strategies are often used in the options market, where there is a lot of volatility and the risk of large losses is high.

In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance (DeFi), we are constantly seeking opportunities to capitalize on market inefficiencies. One powerful approach is the combination of statistical arbitrage and delta-neutral strategies. By identifying price relationships and implementing delta-neutral positions, one can potentially profit from temporary deviations while minimizing exposure to directional risk. In this article, I explore the application of statistical arbitrage and delta-neutral strategies specifically in the context of crypto and DeFi, highlighting their potential benefits and providing insights into their implementation. Having already explained statistical arbitrage in a previous article, I will dive directly into delta-neutral strategies.

Exploring Delta Neutral Strategies

In this illustration, the portfolio is made up of a long position in Bitcoin and a short position in a Bitcoin futures contract. The futures contract has a delta of -1, which means that it will offset the delta of the long position in Bitcoin. As a result, the portfolio will have a delta of zero.
This illustration shows a delta-neutral portfolio.

In options trading, delta is a measure of the sensitivity of an option’s price to changes in the price of the underlying asset. A delta of 1 means that a one-unit change in the price of the underlying asset will result in a one-unit change in the price of the option. A delta of 0.5 means that a one-unit change in the price of the underlying asset will result in a 0.5-unit change in the price of the option.

Delta-neutral strategies are designed to minimize directional risk. Directional risk is the risk that the price of the underlying asset will move in a direction that is unfavourable to the trader. By taking a delta-neutral position, a trader can eliminate directional risk and focus on capturing profits from changes in volatility or other factors.

There are a number of different ways to create a delta-neutral position. One common approach is to buy an option and sell an equal number of shares of the underlying asset. This will create a position with a delta of 0, which means that the price of the position will not change if the price of the underlying asset changes.

Another approach to creating a delta-neutral position is to use a combination of options with different strike prices. For example, I could buy a call option with a strike price of $100 and sell a call option with a strike price of $105. This would create a position with a delta of 0.5, which means that the price of the position would change by half as much as the price of the underlying asset.

Delta-neutral strategies play a crucial role in managing risk when trading options or other derivative products in crypto and DeFi. Delta can be used to measure the sensitivity of an option’s price to a change in the price of the underlying asset. By creating delta-neutral positions, we aim to mitigate the impact of directional movements in the underlying asset, allowing them to focus on other factors such as volatility or time decay. This is particularly relevant in the crypto and DeFi markets, which can experience significant price fluctuations.

Combining Statistical Arbitrage with Delta Neutral Positions

There are a number of different ways to combine statistical arbitrage with delta-neutral positions. One common approach is to use a trading algorithm that identifies undervalued and overvalued assets and then creates delta-neutral positions based on those findings. Another approach is to use a risk management framework that monitors the delta of a portfolio and makes adjustments to the portfolio as needed to maintain a delta-neutral position.

The true power of this approach lies in creating delta-neutral positions based on the options related to the identified price relationships, so traders can maintain a balanced exposure to both sides of the trade. This means that regardless of the direction of the market, the overall position remains delta neutral. This neutrality allows traders to capture the potential profits from the convergence of prices while minimizing the impact of broader market movements.

Benefits of Maintaining Delta Neutrality

There are a number of benefits to maintaining delta neutrality while focusing on exploiting price relationships in the crypto and DeFi markets. First, delta neutrality can help reduce the risk of the overall strategy. This is because delta-neutral positions do not have any directional bias. As a result, they are not exposed to the risk of the underlying asset price moving in either direction.

Second, delta neutrality can help improve the consistency of the overall strategy. This is because delta-neutral positions are not affected by changes in the price of the underlying asset. As a result, they can help smooth out the returns of the overall strategy.

Third, delta neutrality can help increase the profitability of the overall strategy. This is because delta-neutral positions can help reduce the cost of hedging. By taking a delta-neutral position, the trader can hedge against the risk of the underlying asset price moving in either direction. This can help reduce the amount of capital that needs to be held in reserve to hedge the overall strategy.

There are a number of real-world examples of the effectiveness of combining statistical arbitrage with delta-neutral positions in the crypto and DeFi markets. There are a number of real-world examples of the effectiveness of delta-neutral strategies in the crypto and DeFi markets. One example is the use of delta-neutral strategies by hedge funds to exploit price relationships between Bitcoin and Ethereum. By taking long positions in Bitcoin and short positions in Ethereum, hedge funds were able to generate profits when the price of Bitcoin rose relative to the price of Ethereum.

Another example is the use of delta-neutral strategies by market makers to provide liquidity in the crypto and DeFi markets. By hedging their positions with derivatives, market makers are able to provide liquidity without taking on too much risk. This helps to make the crypto and DeFi markets more efficient and accessible to investors.

Another example of the effectiveness of combining statistical arbitrage with delta-neutral positions is the use of delta-neutral strategies to exploit price relationships between different DeFi tokens. DeFi tokens are tokens that are used to power decentralized finance applications. These tokens tend to have a strong correlation with each other, which can be exploited by statistical arbitrage traders.

By taking long positions in DeFi tokens that are undervalued and short positions in DeFi tokens that are overvalued, statistical arbitrage traders can generate profits even if the overall price of DeFi tokens is moving sideways.

Implementing Statistical Arbitrage and Delta Neutral Strategies in Python

Python is a powerful programming language that is widely used in quantitative finance and trading. It is a general-purpose language that is easy to learn and use, and it has a large and active community of developers. This makes it a great choice for implementing statistical arbitrage and delta-neutral strategies in the crypto and DeFi markets.

Python is used in quantitative finance and trading for a variety of tasks, including:

  • Data analysis
  • Data visualization
  • Algorithmic trading
  • Risk management
  • Portfolio optimization

Here is a code snippet demonstrating how to implement statistical arbitrage and delta-neutral strategies in Python:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Import the data
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')

# Calculate the correlation between Bitcoin and Ethereum
corr = df['Bitcoin'].corr(df['Ethereum'])

# Identify the undervalued asset
undervalued_asset = df[df['Price'] < df['Mean Price']].iloc[0]

# Identify the overvalued asset
overvalued_asset = df[df['Price'] > df['Mean Price']].iloc[0]

# Take long positions in the undervalued asset and short positions in the overvalued asset
positions = {
undervalued_asset: 1,
overvalued_asset: -1

# Calculate the expected return
expected_return = np.sum(positions * df['Returns'])

# Calculate the risk
risk = np.sqrt(np.sum(positions * positions * df['Volatility']**2))

# Print the results
print('Expected return:', expected_return)
print('Risk:', risk)

Here is a code snippet that demonstrates how to implement a delta-neutral strategy in Python:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Import the data
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')

# Calculate the delta of Bitcoin
delta_btc = df['Bitcoin'].diff() / df['Bitcoin']

# Calculate the delta of Ethereum
delta_eth = df['Ethereum'].diff() / df['Ethereum']

# Calculate the delta neutral portfolio
delta_neutral_portfolio = {
'Bitcoin': delta_btc,
'Ethereum': -delta_eth

# Print the delta neutral portfolio

This is just a simple example, and there are many other ways to implement statistical arbitrage strategies in Python. However, this example should give you a good starting point.

Here are some relevant libraries or frameworks that can be utilized for data analysis, options pricing, and trade execution in the crypto and DeFi space:

  • Pandas is a powerful library for data analysis and manipulation.
  • NumPy is a library for scientific computing.
  • SciPy is a library for scientific computing and data analysis.
  • PyPI is a repository for Python packages.
  • Quandl is a financial data provider.
  • CryptoCompare is a cryptocurrency data provider.
  • ccxt is a Python library for cryptocurrency trading.

Considerations and Challenges

When implementing statistical arbitrage and delta-neutral strategies in the crypto and DeFi markets, there are a number of important considerations and challenges to keep in mind.

Market liquidity is a key factor to consider, as it can affect the ability to enter and exit positions quickly and at a fair price. The crypto and DeFi markets are still relatively illiquid, which can make it difficult to execute trades without impacting prices.

Transaction costs can also be a significant factor, as they can erode profits. The crypto and DeFi markets are characterized by high transaction costs, which can make it difficult to generate positive returns.

Regulatory considerations are also important to keep in mind, as the crypto and DeFi markets are still evolving and there is a lack of regulatory clarity in many jurisdictions. This can make it difficult to comply with all applicable regulations and can increase the risk of legal action.

Technological infrastructure is another important consideration, as DeFi is still in the early stages of development and the underlying technology is not yet fully mature. This can lead to technical problems, such as outages and delays, which can impact the ability to trade and execute strategies.

Risk management is essential when implementing statistical arbitrage and delta-neutral strategies in crypto. The markets are volatile, and there is a risk of large losses. It is important to implement appropriate risk management techniques, such as position sizing, stop-loss orders, and margin requirements, to protect against losses.

Monitoring is also essential to ensuring the effectiveness of the approach. It is important to monitor market conditions, prices, and positions on a regular basis to identify and respond to changes in market conditions.

Risk Management Techniques and Monitoring Strategies

There are a number of risk management techniques that can be used to protect against losses when implementing statistical arbitrage and delta-neutral strategies in the crypto and DeFi markets. These include:

  • Position sizing: This involves limiting the size of each position to a level that can be comfortably afforded.
  • Stop-loss orders: These are orders that automatically sell a position if the price falls below a certain level.
  • Margin requirements: These are requirements that traders must meet in order to hold positions.

It is also important to monitor market conditions, prices, and positions on a regular basis to identify and respond to changes in market conditions. This can be done by using technical analysis, fundamental analysis, and news analysis.


In this article, I have discussed the potential benefits of combining statistical arbitrage and delta-neutral strategies in the dynamic and evolving crypto and DeFi markets. We have highlighted the key considerations and challenges involved in implementing these strategies, and I have provided insights on risk management techniques and monitoring strategies to ensure the effectiveness of the approach.

I believe that statistical arbitrage and delta-neutral strategies can be powerful tools for capturing opportunities and managing risk in the crypto and DeFi markets. However, it is important to carefully consider all of the factors involved before implementing these strategies. By doing so, you can increase your chances of success in these dynamic and evolving markets.

Summary of Key Points

  • Statistical arbitrage is a trading strategy that seeks to profit from temporary deviations from historical price relationships.
  • Delta-neutral strategies are a type of statistical arbitrage strategy that seeks to eliminate market risk by hedging the portfolio with derivatives.
  • The crypto and DeFi markets are still relatively illiquid, which can make it difficult to execute trades quickly and at a fair price.
  • Transaction costs can also be high in the crypto and DeFi markets.
  • The regulatory environment for the crypto and DeFi markets is still evolving.
  • Technological infrastructure is still in its early stages of development in the crypto and DeFi markets.
  • Risk management is essential when implementing statistical arbitrage strategies in the crypto and DeFi markets.
  • Monitoring is also essential to ensuring the effectiveness of statistical arbitrage strategies in the crypto and DeFi markets.

Potential Benefits of Combining Statistical Arbitrage and Delta Neutral Strategies

  • Statistical arbitrage strategies can be used to profit from temporary deviations from historical price relationships.
  • Delta-neutral strategies can be used to eliminate market risk by hedging the portfolio with derivatives.
  • By combining these strategies, investors can increase their chances of success in the dynamic and evolving crypto and DeFi markets.

Further Exploration and Experimentation

I encourage further exploration and experimentation in applying statistical arbitrage and delta-neutral strategies to capture opportunities and manage risk in the crypto and DeFi markets. As these markets continue to evolve, it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest developments and adapt strategies accordingly.




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